Cash Advance advantagemca

What is Cash Advance and how does it benefit you?

  • Cash Advance is a systematic way of advancing you future credit card processing dollars up front in a lump sum that you can use for business capital improvements and other business related expenses.
  • You get your money up front in a lump sum and use it at your discretion.

How does it work?

  • You are advanced an amount that is based upon your predicted average monthly credit card processing volume for a period of time, typically less than 1 year.
  • A percentage of your processing dollars are then netted out of your daily deposit each day and used to pay back the Cash Advance.
  • Once the advance amount and service fee is completely paid back, no further deductions are made to your deposits.

Which merchants are the best candidates for Cash Advance?

  • All brick and mortar retail merchants, particularly restaurants are ideal candidates for the Cash Advance program.
  • New businesses that are growing and need working capital to expand are also ideal candidates for the program.

To get started with Cash Advance
Call Ext. 8244