Visa & Mastercard Processing for Strip Clubs
Strip Clubs or Adult Entertainment – It Is Almost Impossible To Find a Merchant Account Provider. It is impossible for adult merchant accounts to find any traditional local bank to approve the credit card payment processing. The adult entertainment industry is considered to be high risk and thus finding a account provider is very difficult.
The credit card processing companies consider the adult services to be very high risk and thus they do not offer to set up virtual terminals. The charge backs can be very high in this category. Any business that is oriented to the adult entertainment industry, the credit card processors would tend to run away. These are some of the major reasons why many of the adult business merchants who are into high volumes tend to avail the services from the offshore merchant accounts.
Dont be Denied Shutoff or Closed
The adult entertainment business is very controversial but it is actually one of the very profitable businesses. This is especially true for those who own this business online. This business however attracts many problems and since they have a high risk of chargeback so many credit card companies shy away from doing business with them. They blankly avoid accepting these accounts because they carry very high risks. Thus, in order to, let credit card companies to take the risk you should know where to go.
Get Approved Today for CC Processing
The gentleman’s club can find it really troublesome to find a merchant service to accept credit card that is affordable as well as dependable. Look at the website of the major payment processing firms and they will have a lot of business that are prohibited which include adult entertainment. This means that getting a merchant account provider is next to impossible.
The good news however that is there are a few credit card payment process companies that do accept to underwrite such high risk business. The industry has a very complex nature and thus the merchant provider should be specialized in the adult entertainment business.
Most of the banks do not provide the payment processing service to this business. Banks see them as immoral and this is another reason why they do not want to enter this business. So you actually need to have proper tools and a merchant service provider who is high risk since you do not want your account to be shut down in case of an increase the charge back ratio.
Startup Business are Approved Too!
So whether you are a startup or a seasoned, you will need a lot of research to be able to establish a provider who offers services and also is able to offer the service at the best rates and acceptable terms. You should also hire one whose services you can totally depend on. The Merchant Account Provider for this industry is very controversial and thus it can be really difficult to find a high risk merchant service provider. You could look for one who offers domestic as well as offshore merchant account. Look for one you can depend on and who is capable of providing world class service.They should also give you their service at low rates which is guaranteed.They should also meet the business flexibility and the demands and be able to provide the low high risk rates for payments processing. The account provider should be profitable for your business.
Credit Card Terminal Setups
The processing platform should integrate seamlessly with any point of sale system that you are using currently. They should also be able to provide POS or should be capable of providing the best POS recommendations for the business model. The transitions should be fast, seamless and also free.
The best quality adult business also tends to have issues with charge back. The account provider would let you reduce charge backs that the business incurs and also the amount of time that is spent managing the charge backs. The system should be able to alert you as soon as an inquiry is made that will allow you to work with the consumer directly before the chargeback process gets initiated.This lets you lessen the time that you spend and also lets you maintain a low charge back ratio. This will increase the high risk merchant accounts stability and will let you negotiate on better rates.
When it is time to improve or expand the business then it is easy for the traditional business to get the required cash, but this is not true of the high risk businesses. Look for the account providers that provide advance cash programs. They should be able to work with the business that offer low rates and also options that are flexible and meets your sale requirement.
Lowest Fees and Discount Rates
It is important that when you go shopping around for a credit card processing company you contact different providers and talk to the other owners of businesses to find out the credit card processing company that they use. It would be great to know if they handle the accounts of companies in the same niche as yours. Also make sure that you find out about any hidden rates. Know what the costs are at the upfront and if there is any monthly fee. Also check if they charge any charge back fees or transaction fee. You should find out all the details in advance which will let you be sure that you are getting the best possible deal from the merchant account provider.