Writing That Catchy Sales Letter

March 29th, 2011
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Sales letters are an important aspect of any salespersons career. The best sales letter, the ones that have the best result,s are those that are written with integrity, generosity and honesty. It is imperative that when you write your sales letter you create a persuasive sales pitch that encourages the reader to read the letter to completion. To be persuasive without impeding those core values or integrity, generosity and honesty can be challenging. It can be hard juggling the right amount of sales talk with charm. Below are a few tips to point you in the right direction.

Build trust into your sales letters. If you have a new product you are trying to sell then include some of the endorsements that you managed to gain during the development process. Feel free to drop names (within reason) if it will be beneficial to the sales process.

Establish your credibility as a quality salesperson by the second paragraph. This is where you need to state who you are, what your good at and what makes you so credibly, smart, creative or innovative.

Make your letter fridge worthy; include memorable information that will make your prospect want to stick the letter on their fridge for further reading. If you were offering telephone conferencing services you could include applicable tips and tricks.

Design your letter to look good, it will be received with open arms as compared to a letter that is drab and includes boring type and graphics.

Include an incentive to encourage your prospect to act quickly. Include a time limit for obtaining the incentive as well; hopefully this will get the prospect calling you back in no time.

Personalize each and every letter for truly great results. While a mail merge is a quick and easy way of deploying dozens of sales letters, it lacks that needed integrity and consideration for the prospect or customer’s needs. Look at the records you have for the customer and fine tune a letter to the details you hold about them. Comment on previous purchases, say happy birthday, and consider anything that will help to strengthen your bond with the client.

Much as the above tip, put a lot of your effort into forging a genuine relationship with your clients. If you can build a solid relationship with a customer it will pay off in the end as they remain loyal and provide you with word of mouth referrals.

Throughout your sales letter remember those three core values of integrity, generosity and honesty and you will soon have a very successful sales letter, just remember to say thank you!